What will you do in Sun Valley
Ski In-Bounds Or Out
Fat Bike or Nordic
Shopping Or the Arts
Fine Dining or Beers
Warfield Cocktail Society wants to educate you on the fine art of making a cocktail. $45 for an evening educational session with nearly one session per month. Next up is January 10th. Sign Up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/warfield-cocktail-society-tickets-53079026798?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR3qn7TkfFsiLZ1ucfwboIdE76HqCh_qX4BOIwdkFAmvQN6LTvibyfhDCco
Support historic Galena Lodge and our world class trail system at the Winter Benefit on January 26th. Go solo or secure an entire table here: https://www.visitsunvalley.com/events-calendar#event=19919172
I have secured my place in the 2019 Boulder Mountain Tour…have you? This event is world class in every aspect. Point to point course with a net elevation loss. https://bouldermountaintour.com/
Search more events at Visit Sun Valley, https://www.visitsunvalley.com/events-calendar including the Sun Valley Opera, Ballet, Banff Mountain Film Festival and Argyros Performing Arts Center.
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